Globalisation, a new paradigm

In today’s world, globalisation is a reality that cannot be denied, either one likes it or not. Globalisation is the new paradigm that in a way replaces the previous paradigm of modernity that collapsed in the late 1980’s after standing for almost three centuries. This event has been referred to as “the end of history”. Globalisation, among other things, implies the minimization, or even the elimination, of all kind of national barriers in fields such as commerce, science and technology and culture. The impact that this new situation will have in world development in the coming years is hard to visualize today, but there is no doubt that profound changes will take place that will affect our current way of living.

The world of the feature years will move in a very competitive scenario. In order to maintain and increase competitiveness, the different countries should stress their emphasis in education, as we are living in a “knowledge society”. Science and education, together with justice, form a complex system that in a way leads the progress of the present and future society. As biotechnologists, we should be fully aware of this situation and the great changes that are taking place in our days.

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology is proud to present in this issue an important contribution by H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, entitled “Globalisation and Learning”. In this work, Msgr. Sánchez Sorondo presents an in-depth and lucid discussion of the implications of globalisation related to justice, peace, social good, science, ethics and education. The global approach of the author to the current and future problems of our society is an invitation to carefully consider these matters and to try to humbly contribute to build a better world.

Fernando Acevedo
Facultad de Ingeniería
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso