Effects of aroma quality on the biotransformation of natural 2-phenylethanol produced using ascorbic acid
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aroma quality
ascorbic acid

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Tian X, Ye R, Wang J, Chen Y, Cai B, Guan S, Rong S, Li Q. Effects of aroma quality on the biotransformation of natural 2-phenylethanol produced using ascorbic acid. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];18(4). Available from: https://preprints.pucv.cl/index.php/ejbiotechnology/article/view/2015.05.003


Background: Natural 2-phenylethanol (2-PE) is an important flavoring that emits the aroma of roses. During biotransformation, the aroma quality of natural 2-PE is affected by its main by-products, which include butanol, isobutyric acid, butyric acid, and isovaleric acid. Thus, controlling undesirable by-product formation can reduce the effect of odor on 2-PE aroma quality.

Results: 2-PE was produced through biotransformation using L-phenylalanine as a substrate and glucose as a carbon source. Ascorbic acid was added to the system to improve the redox reaction and suppress the generation of by-products. Principal component analysis of the aroma quality of 2-PE was performed using an electronic nose. Similarity analysis revealed that the effects of four by-products on 2-PE aroma quality may be ranked in the following order: isovaleric acid > butyric acid > isobutyric acid > butanol. The sample that exhibited the best similarity to the standard 2-PE sample (99.19%) was the sample to which ascorbic acid had been added during glucose metabolism.

Conclusions: 2-PE produced through addition of ascorbic acid exhibited the closest aroma similarity to the standard 2-PE sample.
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