Measurement of expansin activity and plant cell wall creep by using a commercial texture analyzer


acid growth
cell wall metabolism
cucumber hypocotyls
fruit softening
hypocotyls acid growth
plant cell wall properties

How to Cite

Perinia MA, Sin IN, Martinez GA, Civello PM. Measurement of expansin activity and plant cell wall creep by using a commercial texture analyzer. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 10 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];26(1). Available from:


Background: Expansins play an important role in cell wall metabolism and fruit softening. Determination of expansin activity is a challenging problem since it depends on measuring cell wall properties by using ad hoc extensometers, a fact that has strongly restricted its study. Then, the objective of the work was to adapt a methodology to measure cell wall creep and expansin activity using a commercial texture meter, equipped with miniature tensile grips and an ad hoc cuvette of easy construction.

Results: It was possible to measure hypocotyls acid growth and expansin activity in a reliable and reproducible way, using a commercial texture meter, common equipment found in laboratories of food science or postharvest technology. Expansin activity was detected in protein extracts from cucumber hypocotyls, tomato and strawberry fruits, and statistical differences in expansin activity were found in both fruit models at different ripening stages.

Conclusions: The possibility of measuring expansin activity following this adapted protocol with a commercial texture meter could contribute to ease and increase the analysis of expansin in different systems, leading to a better understanding of the properties of these proteins under different experimental conditions.


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