Construction and application of a novel genetically engineered Aspergillus oryzae for expressing proteases


Amino Acids
engineered strains
microbial protease
novel strategy
protease genes
Recombinant Aspergillus
soybean meal

How to Cite

Yu X-C, Ma S-L, Xu Y, Fu C-H, Jiang C-Y, Zhou C-Y. Construction and application of a novel genetically engineered Aspergillus oryzae for expressing proteases. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 17 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];29(1). Available from:


Background: We aimed to test the possibility of improving polypeptide production from soybean meal fermentation by engineered Aspergillus oryzae strains. Four different protease genes were cloned and transformed into wild-type A. oryzae, and the engineered A. oryzae strains were then used for soybean meal fermentation.

Results: The results showed different degrees of improvement in the protease activity of the four transformants when compared with wild-type A. oryzae. A major improvement in the polypeptide yield was achieved when these strains were used in soybean meal fermentation. The polypeptide conversion rate of one of the four transformants, A. oryzae pep, reached 35.9%, which was approximately twofold higher than that exhibited by wild-type A. oryzae. Amino acid content analysis showed that the essential amino acid content and amino acid composition of the fermentation product significantly improved when engineered A. oryzae strains were used for soybean meal fermentation.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that cloning of microbial protease genes with good physicochemical properties and expressing them in an ideal host such as A. oryzae is a novel strategy to enhance the value of soybean meal.


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