Selection of Schizochytrium limacinum mutants based on butanol tolerance


Fatty acid
Mutation breeding
Negative selection
Oleaginous fungus
Fatty acid composition
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Screening Strategy

How to Cite

Li D, Zhang K, Chen L, Ding M, Zhao M, Chen S. Selection of Schizochytrium limacinum mutants based on butanol tolerance. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2017 Nov. 23 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];30(1). Available from:


Background: Mutation breeding is one of the most important routes to achieving high docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) productivity using Schizochytrium. However, few selection strategies have been reported that aim to generate a high DHA content in Schizochytrium lipids.

Results: First, culture temperature altered the butanol tolerance of Schizochytrium limacinum B4D1. Second, S. limacinum E8 was obtained by selecting mutants with high butanol tolerance. This mutant exhibited a 17.97% lower proportion of DHA than the parent strain S. limacinum B4D1. Third, a negative selection strategy was designed in which S. limacinum F6, a mutant with poor butanol tolerance, was obtained. The proportion of DHA in S. limacinum F6 was 11.22% higher than that of parent strain S. limacinum B4D1. Finally, the performances of S. limacinum B4D1, E8 and F6 were compared. These three strains had different fatty acid profiles, but there was no statistical difference in their biomasses and lipid yields.

Conclusion: It was feasible to identified the relative DHA content of S. limacinum mutants based on their butanol tolerance.


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