Modeling of lactose enzymatic hydrolysis using Monte Carlo method
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Enzymatic hydrolysis
Monte Carlo
Silica gel

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Gao L, Guo Q, Lin H, Pan D, Huang X, Lin J, Lin J. Modeling of lactose enzymatic hydrolysis using Monte Carlo method. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];40. Available from:


Background: Mathematical modeling is useful in the analysis, prediction, and optimization of an enzymatic process. Unlike the conventional modeling methods, Monte Carlo method has special advantages in providing representations of the molecule's spatial distribution. However, thus far, Monte Carlo modeling of enzymatic system is namely based on unimolecular basis, not suitable for practical applications. In this research, Monte Carlo modeling is performed for enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose for the purpose of real-time applications.

Results: The enzyme hydrolysis of lactose, which is conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics, is modeled using the Monte Carlo modeling method, and the simulation results prove that the model predicts the reaction kinetics very well.

Conclusions: Monte Carlo modeling method can be used to model enzymatic reactions in a simple way for real-time applications.

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