Single embryoid body formation in a multi-well plate
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murine embryonic stem cell

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Ezekiel UR, Muthuchamy M, Ryerse JS, Heuertz RM. Single embryoid body formation in a multi-well plate. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2007 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];10(2):0-. Available from:


Embryoid bodies (EB) formed from murine embryonic stem (ES) cells recapitulate many aspects of a developing embryo. Of specific importance, synchronous differentiation of EB recapitulates organ-specific development and is achieved in culture by formation of uniformly sized EB. The method described here demonstrates a simple and cost-effective way of generating EB from murine ES cells. Single EB are formed in a multi-well plate format and large numbers of EB are generated using a 96-well multi-well plate. Uniform single-sized EB formed in the multi-well are an ideal system for screening compounds and determining differentiation effects. Since EB contain all three germ layers, they are appropriate for studying small molecule effects on differentiation of ES such as is performed in high-throughput screening protocols.

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