Optimization of fermentation conditions for pristinamycin production by immobilized Streptomyces pristinaespiralis using response surface methodology
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Zhang L-J, Zheng X, Jin Z- hua, Hu S, He M-R. Optimization of fermentation conditions for pristinamycin production by immobilized Streptomyces pristinaespiralis using response surface methodology. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2012 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];15(4). Available from: https://preprints.pucv.cl/index.php/ejbiotechnology/article/view/v15n4-8


Response surface methodology was used to optimize the fermentation conditions for the production of pristinamycin by immobilization of Streptomyces pristinaespiralis F213 in shaking flask cultivation. Seed medium volume, fermentation medium volume and shaking speed of seed culture were found to have significant effects on pristinamycin production by the Plackett-Burman design. The steepest ascent method was adopted to approach the vicinity of optimum space, followed by central composite design for further optimization. A quadratic model was built to fit the pristinamycin production. The optimum conditions were found to be seed medium volume of 29.5 ml, fermentation medium volume of 28.8 ml, and shaking speed of seed culture at 204 rpm. At the optimum conditions, a production of 213 mg/l was obtained, which was in agreement with the maximum predicted pristinamycin yield of 209 mg/l. This is the first report on pristinamycins production by immobilized S. pristinaespiralis using response surface methodology.

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