Immobilized lysozyme protein on fibrous medium: Preliminary results for microfiltration applications
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Process Biotechnology

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Assis OB, Claro LC. Immobilized lysozyme protein on fibrous medium: Preliminary results for microfiltration applications. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2003 Aug. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];6(2):0-. Available from:


The protein lysozyme was deposited onto a permeable support comprising chemically functionalized glass fiber. The main objective of this study was to set a stable organic net with no effect on the medium bed permeability and a preliminary test the activity of this enzyme under immobilized conditions. The film formation is followed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) surface imaging. The effect on the bacteria Escherichia coli was tested using a simple microfiltration column. The filtration results pointed around 75% removal of bacteria in the effluent when compared to the influent concentration. The removal mechanism is assumed as being essentially due biointeraction. The surface polarity characteristics of the formed film were also considered as playing an important role, suggesting an electrostatic interaction mechanism in the microorganism removal.

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