Cometabolic biodegradation of quizalofop-p-ethyl by Methylobacterium populi YC-XJ1 and identification of QPEH1 esterase


Aromatic oxyphenoxypropionic acid esters
Co-metabolic biodegradation
desert soil
genome sequencing
grassy weeds
Methylobacterium populi
novel metabolites

How to Cite

Li X, Wang J, Wu W, Jia Y, Fan S, Hlaing TS, Khokhar I, Yan Y. Cometabolic biodegradation of quizalofop-p-ethyl by Methylobacterium populi YC-XJ1 and identification of QPEH1 esterase. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 18 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];46. Available from:


Background: Quizalofop-p-ethyl (QPE), a unitary R configuration aromatic oxyphenoxypropionic acid ester (AOPP) herbicide, was widely used and had led to detrimental environmental effects. For finding the QPE-degrading bacteria and promoting the biodegradation of QPE, a series of studies were carried out.


Results: A QPE-degrading bacterial strain YC-XJ1 was isolated from desert soil and identified as Methylobacterium populi, which could degrade QPE with methanol by cometabolism. Ninety-seven percent of QPE (50 mg/L) could be degraded within 72 h under optimum biodegradation condition of 35°C and pH 8.0. The maximum degradation rate of QPE was 1.4 mg/L/h, and the strain YC-XJ1 exhibited some certain salinity tolerance. Two novel metabolites, 2-hydroxy-6-chloroquinoxaline and quinoxaline, were found by high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy analysis. The metabolic pathway of QPE was predicted. The catalytic efficiency of strain YC-XJ1 toward different AOPPs herbicides in descending order was as follows: haloxyfop-p-methyl ≈ diclofop-methyl ≈ fluazifop-p-butyl > clodinafop-propargyl > cyhalofop-butyl > quizalofop-p-ethyl > fenoxaprop-p-ethyl > propaquizafop > quizalofop-p-tefuryl. The genome of strain YC-XJ1 was sequenced using a combination of PacBio RS II and Illumina platforms. According to the annotation result, one α/β hydrolase gene was selected and named qpeh1, for which QPE-degrading function has obtained validation. Based on the phylogenetic analysis and multiple sequence alignment with other QPE-degrading esterases reported previously, the QPEH1 was clustered with esterase family V.


Conclusion: M. populi YC-XJ1 could degrade QPE with a novel pathway, and the qpeh1 gene was identified as one of QPE-degrading esterase gene.


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