Structural-functional analyses of textile dye degrading azoreductase, laccase and peroxidase: a comparative in silico study


Acidic amino acids
Azo dyes
Basic amino acids
Dye degradation
Textile industry
Thermostable three enzymes.

How to Cite

Sarkar S, Banerjee A, Chakraborty N, Soren K, Chakraborty P, Bandopadhyay R. Structural-functional analyses of textile dye degrading azoreductase, laccase and peroxidase: a comparative in silico study. Electron. J. Biotechnol. [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];43. Available from:


Background: Textile industry not only plays a vital role in our daily life but also a prominent factor in improving global economy. One of the environmental concern is it releases huge quantities of toxic dyes in the water leading to severe environmental pollution. Bacterial laccase and azoreductase successfully oxidize complex chemical structure of nitrogen group-containing azo dyes. Additionally, the presence of textile dye infuriates bacterial peroxidase to act as a dye degrading enzyme. Our present study deals with three textile dye degrading enzymes laccase, azoreductase, and peroxidase through analyzing their structural and functional properties using standard computational tools.

Result: According to the comparative analysis of physicochemical characteristics, it was clear that laccase was mostly made up of basic amino acids whereas azoreductase and peroxidase both comprised of acidic amino acids. Higher aliphatic index ascertained the thermostability of all these three enzymes. Negative GRAVY value of the enzymes confirmed better water interaction of the enzymes. Instability index depicted that compared to laccase and preoxidase, azoreductase was more stable in nature. It was also observed that the three model proteins had more than 90% of total amino acids in the favored region of Ramachandran plot. Functional analysis revealed laccase as multicopper oxidase type enzyme and azoreductase as FMN dependent enzyme, while peroxidase consisted of α-β barrel with additional haem group.

Conclusion: Present study aims to provide knowledge on industrial dye degrading enzymes, choosing the suitable enzyme for industrial set up and to help in understanding the experimental laboratory requirements as well.


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