Vol. 11 No. 4 (2008)
Issue of October 2008, Volume 11, Issue 4

Research Articles

David Jeison, Israel Díaz, Jules B. van Lier
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: Are membranes really necessary?
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Mario A. Ramírez, Herminia I. Pérez, Norberto Manjarrez, Aida Solís, Héctor Luna, Julia Cassani
Biocatalytic oxidative kinetic resolution of (±)-4-(chlorophenyl)phenylmethanol by Nocardia corallina B-276 
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Alberto O. Vergara-Fernández, Erich F. Quiroz, German E. Aroca, Nelson A. Alarcón-pulido
Biological treatment of contaminated air with toluene in an airlift reactor
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Ramasubramanian Thirumalaiandi, Michael Gomez Selvaraj, Raghu Rajasekaran, Mohankumar Subbarayalu
Cloning and characterization of resistance gene analogs from under-exploited plant species
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Héctor Mendoza, Adelina de la Jara, Karen Freijanes, Laura Carmona, Ana Alexandra Ramos, Vanessa de Sousa Duarte, João Carlos Serafim Varela
Characterization of Dunaliella salina strains by flow cytometry: a new approach to select carotenoid hyperproducing strains
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Ramin Nabizadeh, Kazem Naddafi, Alireza Mesdaghinia, Amir Hosien Nafez
Feasibility study of organic matter and Ammonium removal using loofa sponge as a supporting medium in an aerated submerged fixed-film reactor (ASFFR)
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Sara I. Pérez-Elvira, Fernando Fernández-Polanco, María Fernandez-Polanco, Pilar Rodriguez, Philippe Rouge
Hydrothermal multivariable approach. Full-scale feasibility study
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Aurora Martínez-Trujillo, Juan S. Aranda, Guillermo Aguilar-Osorio
Kinetic study on inducibility of polygalacturonases from Aspergillus flavipes FP-500
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Edna Sánchez-Castrejon, Elizabeth Ponce-Rivas, Manuel B. Aguilar, Fernando Díaz
Molecular cloning and expression of a putative crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) of Litopenaeus vannamei in Pichia pastoris 
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Mohammed M. Islam
Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of a serine proteinase from Japanese edible mushroom, Grifola frondosa: solving the structure - function anomaly of a reported aminopeptidase
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Seval Dagbagli, Yekta Goksungur
Optimization of β-galactosidase production using Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y-8279 by response surface methodology
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Ertuğrul Yüzbaşıoğlu, Mehmet Yaşar Dadandı
Phylogenetic relationships among species of the subsection Dendrophlomis Bentham
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Sanae Mdaghri Alaoui, Mohamed Merzouki, Michel J. Penninckx, Mohamed Benlemlih
Relationship between cultivation mode of white rot fungi and their efficiency for olive oil mill wastewaters treatment
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Technical Notes

Thomas E. Jensen, Mary C. Crang, Richard F.E. Crang
Equipment design for biosorption studies with microorganisms
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Jorge A. Rubio-Piña, Felipe A. Vázquez-Flota
Isolation of functional total RNA from Argemone mexicana tissues
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