Vol. 14 No. 2 (2011)
Issue of March 2011, Volume 14, Issue 2

Biotechnology Teaching

Janneke van Seters, Miriam Ossevoort, Martin Goedhart, Johannes Tramper
Accommodating the difference in students’ prior knowledge of cell growth kinetics
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Research Articles

Cynthia Barbosa Rustiguel, Arthur Henrique Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Héctor Francisco Terenzi, João Atílio Jorge, Luis Henrique Souza Guimarães
Biochemical properties of an extracellular β-D-fructofuranosidase II produced by Aspergillus phoenicis under Solid-Sate Fermentation using soy bran as substrate
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Emre Erden, Yasin Kaymaz, Nurdan Kasikara Pazarlioglu
Biosorption kinetics of a direct azo dye Sirius Blue K-CFN by Trametes versicolor
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Braulio J. Soto-Cerda, Hector Urbina Saavedra, Cristell Navarro Navarro, Paula Mora Ortega
Characterization of novel genic SSR markers in Linum usitatissimum (L.) and their transferability across eleven Linum species
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Ademola O. Olaniran, Yushir R. Maharaj, Balakrishna Pillay
Effects of fermentation temperature on the composition of beer volatile compounds, organoleptic quality and spent yeast density
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Małgorzata Krzywonos, Thomas Eberhard
High density process to cultivate Lactobacillus plantarum biomass using wheat stillage and sugar beet molasses
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Marcela Carvajal, Luis Espinoza, Silvia Caggia, Venera Cardile, Juan A. Garbarino, Hugo Peña-Cortés, Alessandra Russo
New stereoisomeric derivatives of jasmonic acid generated by biotransformation with the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi affect the viability of human cancer cells
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Suba Dharshanan, Heilly Chong, Cheah Swee Hung, Zulkeflie Zamrod, Nazlee Kamal
Rapid automated selection of mammalian cell line secreting high level of humanized monoclonal antibody using Clone Pix FL system and the correlation between exterior median intensity and antibody productivity
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Carlos Regalado, Immer Vázquez-Obregón, Blanca Estela García-Almendárez, Jorge Domínguez-Domínguez, Araceli Aguilera-Barreyro, Aldo Amaro-Reyes
Xylanolytic enzymes production by Aspergillus niger GS1 from solid-state fermentation on corn stover and their effect on ruminal digestibility
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Short Communications

Chuan Tang Wang, Xiu Zhen Wang, Shu Wei Zhang, Gui Jie Li, Jian Cheng Zhang, Shan Lin Yu
Sodium azide mutagenesis resulted in a peanut plant with elevated oleate content
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Technical Notes

Yanzhen Bi, Xinmin Zheng, Changwei Shao, Wen Pan, Li Jiang, Huiwu Ouyang
Construction and application of a built-in dual luciferase reporter for microRNA functional analysis
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