Vol. 15 No. 3 (2012)
Issue of May 15 2012, Volume 15, Issue 3

Biotechnology Issues for Developing Countries

Bahar Celikkol Erbas, Selin Arslanhan Memis
An economic valuation of a biotechnology R&D project in a developing economy
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Research Articles

Ling Lin, Xianzhao Kan, Hao Yan, Danni Wang
Characterization of extracellular cellulose-degrading enzymes from Bacillus thuringiensis strains
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Sibtain Ahmed, Syeda Sana Imdad, Amer Jamil
Comparative study for the kinetics of extracellular xylanases from Trichoderma harzianum and Chaetomium thermophilum
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María Teresa Federici, Jackson A. Marcondes, Simone Cristina Picchi, Eduardo S. Stuchi, André Luiz Fadel, Marcelo L. Laia, Manoel Victor F. Lemos, Eliana Gertrudes Macedo Lemos
Xylella fastidiosa: An in vivo system to study possible survival strategies within citrus xylem vessels based on global gene expression analysis
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Johan O. Westman, Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, Carl Johan Franzén
Inhibitor tolerance and flocculation of a yeast strain suitable for second generation bioethanol production
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Liliana Serna-Cock, Cruz E. Enríquez-Valencia, Eliana M. Jiménez-Obando, Rómulo Campos-Gaona
Effects of fermentation substrates and conservation methods on the viability and antimicrobial activity of Weissella confusa and its metabolites
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Javier Silva, Marjorie Morales, Manuel Cáceres, Paulina Morales, Germán Aroca
Modelling of the biofiltration of reduced sulphur compounds through biotrickling filters connected in series: Effect of H2S
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Cristhiane L. Krueger, Claudemir M. Radetski, Amanda G. Bendia, Ida M. Oliveira, Marcus A. Castro-Silva, Carlos R. Rambo, Regina V. Antonio, Andre O.S. Lima
Bioconversion of cassava starch by-product into Bacillus and related bacteria polyhydroxyalkanoates
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Short Communications

María Elvira Zúñiga-Hansen, Eduardo Pérez-Torres, Eduardo Caballero-Valdés, José Fernández-Parodi
Effect of a commercial pectinmethylesterase on tomato paste consistency
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