Vol. 11 No. 2 (2008)
Issue of April 2008, Volume 11, Issue 2

Research Articles

Lissette Travieso Córdoba, Alma Rosa Domínguez Bocanegra, Bárbara Rincón Llorente, Enrique Sánchez Hernández, Francisco Benítez Echegoyen, Rafael Borja, Francisco Raposo Bejines, Manuel Francisco Colmenarejo Morcillo
Batch culture growth of Chlorella zofingiensis on effluent derived from two-stage anaerobic digestion of two-phase olive mill solid waste
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Ezequiel Margarit, Martín I. Reggiardo, Hugo R. Permingeat
Bt protein rhizosecreted from transgenic maize does not accumulate in soil
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Rafael E. Coopman, Jorge C. Jara, Leon A. Bravo, Katia L. Sáez, Gloria R. Mella, Rene Escobar
Changes in morpho-physiological attributes of Eucalyptus globulus plants in response to different drought hardening treatments
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Mauricio Díaz, Gloria Arenas, Sergio H. Marshall
Design and expression of a retro doublet of cecropin with enhanced activity
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Estefan Miranda-Miranda, María Hortensia Murillo-Sánchez, Raquel Cossío-Bayúgar
Expression of a Haemonchus contortus cysteine protease in the baculovirus system
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Susana Rasmussen-Poblete, Jorge Valdes, Maria Cecilia Gamboa, Pablo D.T. Valenzuela, Erwin Krauskopf
Generation and analysis of an Eucalyptus globulus cDNA library constructed from seedlings subjected to low temperature conditions
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Shakti Mehrotra, Arun Kumar Kukreja, Suman Preet Singh Khanuja, Bhartendu Nath Mishra
Genetic transformation studies and scale up of hairy root culture of Glycyrrhiza glabra in bioreactor
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Paschalis Akritidis, Konstantinos Pasentsis, Athanasios S. Tsaftaris, Photini V. Mylona, Alexios N. Polidoros
Identification of unknown genetically modified material admixed in conventional cotton seed and development of an event-specific detection method
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Ashwani Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Parvatam Giridhar, Gokare Aswathanarayana Ravishankar
Induction of in vitro flowering in Capsicum frutescens under the influence of silver nitrate and cobalt chloride and pollen transformation
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Eduardo Valenzuela, Joseline Hipp, Claudia Alonso, Roberto Godoy, Miren Alberdi, Maricel Alvarez, Isabel Saavedra
Physiological-enzymatic characteristics and inoculation of mycelial strains of Descolea antarctica Sing. in Nothofagus seedlings
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Duangporn Kantachote, Wilawan Charernjiratrakul, Napavarn Noparatnaraporn, Kohei Oda
Selection of sulfur oxidizing bacterium for sulfide removal in sulfate rich wastewater to enhance biogas production
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Esther Devadhanam Joubert, Balakrishna Pillay
Visualisation of the microbial colonisation of a slow sand filter using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
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Technical Notes

Chandrasekhar Natarajan, Neetha N. Vijayan, Linda Koshy Vaidyan, Anila Mathew, Lekshmy Srinivas, Moinak Banerjee
Universal protocol for generating 100bp size standard for endless usage
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