Vol. 10 No. 4 (2007)
Issue of October 2007, Volume 10, Issue 4

Research Articles

Yong-Sun Moon, Kathleen L. Hefferon
Amplification of genome-integrated BeYDV replicons by transient expression of Rep in Arabidopsis thaliana
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Ana María Sifuentes-Rincón, Herlinda Puentes-Montiel, Gaspar Manuel Parra-Bracamonte
Assessment of genetic structure in Mexican charolais herds using microsatellite markers
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Renata Pereira Limberger, Adriana Mendes Aleixo, Arthur Germano Fett-Neto, Amélia T. Henriques
Bioconversion of (+)- and (-)-alpha-pinene to (+)- and (-)-verbenone by plant cell cultures of Psychotria brachyceras and Rauvolfia sellowii
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Julia Cassani, Héctor Luna, Arturo Navarro, Edmundo Castillo
Comparative esterification of phenylpropanoids versus hydrophenylpropanoids acids catalyzed by lipase in organic solvent media
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German E. Aroca, Homero Urrutia, Dariela Núñez, Patricio Oyarzún, Alejandra Arancibia, Karlo Guerrero
Comparison on the removal of hydrogen sulfide in biotrickling filters inoculated with Thiobacillus thioparus and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans
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Camilo Enrique La Rotta Hernández, Diogo Simon Werberich, Marcio Contrucci Saraiva de Mattos, Eliane D'Elia
Electrogeneration of hydrogen peroxide applied to the peroxide-mediated oxidation of (R)-limonene in organic media
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Jude C. Igwe, Augustin A. Abia
Equilibrium sorption isotherm studies of Cd(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) ions detoxification from waste water using unmodified and EDTA-modified maize husk
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Röbbe Wünschiers, Rikard Axelsson, Martin Vellguth, Peter Lindblad
Experimental and bioinformatic approaches for analyzing and visualizing cyanobacterial nitrogen and hydrogen metabolism
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Prakash M. Halami, Arun Chandrashekar
Heterologous expression, purification and refolding of an anti-listerial peptide produced by Pediococcus acidilactici K7
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Erdogan E. Hakki, Seyit A. Kayis, Emine Pinarkara, Ayla Sag
Inter simple sequence repeats separate efficiently hemp from marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.)
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Pejman Azadi, Morteza Khosh-Khui
Micropropagation of Lilium ledebourii (Baker) Boiss as affected by plant growth regulator, sucrose concentration, harvesting season and cold treatments
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Olympia Roeva, Tania Pencheva, Stoyan Tzonkov, Michael Arndt, Bernd Hitzmann, Sofia Kleist, Gerchard Miksch, Karl Friehs, Erwin Flaschel
Multiple model approach to modelling of Escherichia coli fed-batch cultivation extracellular production of bacterial phytase
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Ximena A. Besoain, Luz María Pérez, Antonio Araya, Llacolén Lefever, Melina Sanguinetti, Jaime R. Montealegre
New strains obtained after UV treatment and protoplast fusion of native Trichoderma harzianum: their biocontrol activity on Pyrenochaeta lycopersici
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Juliana Alves Macedo, Lara Durães Sette, Hélia Harumi Sato
Optimization of medium composition for transglutaminase production by a Brazilian soil Streptomyces sp.
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Javier Santander, James Robeson
Phage-resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and pathogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans is mediated by the lipopolysaccharide
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Short Communications

Abdullah Mohammad Shohael, Hosakatte Niranjana Murthy, Eun-Joo Hahn, Kee-Yoeup Paek
Methyl jasmonate induced overproduction of eleutherosides in somatic embryos of Eleutherococcus senticosus cultured in bioreactors
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